Young Driver Insurance.Young Drivers' Car Insurance.Cheap Car Insurance.Car Insurance Website Link And Description

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 12 Maret 2013 0 komentar

Coverbox... cheap car insurance for young drivers - treats you like a grown up!

Calling all Young Drivers, coverbox appreciates how difficult it can be finding a young driver car insurance policy that doesn't break the bank. We treat all young drivers as individuals and hopefully you will receive a competitive quote from us today. We give you a free theft tracker for your car.

Less miles at safer times could equal less cost. Come to coverbox and be treated as an individual.
Free Theft Tracking
We install a free theft tracker in your car that means if its stolen we are able to track the car and liaise with the police for its safe return.
Personal Web Portal
We give you a free personal web site - Dashboard - that holds all your driving information, miles, times, fuel, emissions.

Comprehensive cover
A comprehensive policy that gives you a courtesy car in the event of a claim, personal accident and windscreen cover are all included.
Less Miles, Less Cost
Coverbox helps you look at your journeys - the miles and the times you drive - by changing how far and sometimes ‘when’ you drive you can save even further money on your insurance during the year.

Why not take a quote today and see what coverbox can do for you? Drive down the cost of your car insurance.



Young drivers cheap car insurance. 

Newly qualified drivers and young people with provisional licences often struggle to find affordable young drivers car insurance.   

At Endsleigh we use decades of experience providing insurance for young motorists to bring you reliable cover with an inexpensive price tag.  We are able to do this because we compare a number of specialist young drivers insurance schemes before presenting you with our best available quote. Insurance is not just about price, which is why we offer quotes from reliable young drivers car insurance providers. That’s not all – we also offer a range of great discounts and free benefits.
Why choose Endsleigh Young Driver Insurance?
  • Save up to 23%* depending on your university
  • Up to 90 days cover in Europe included FREE
  • Learner drivers can immediately start to earn a no claims discount in their own name
Trust Endsleigh to find cheap car insurance for learner drivers, new drivers and even 17 year old drivers. If you are a young student driver aged between 18 – 21 years old and have held your licence for more than 1 year you could even get up to 23% discount on your student car insurance.
We also help you to remain on the road with a reliable roadside breakdown recovery as an optional extra.
Get a young driver car insurance quote today.
Get quote

Terms and conditions apply:
1. No claims discount will be earned providing no claims have been made (excluding windscreen claims or claims where all costs have been recovered).
2. 1 year no claims discount is not transferrable to another insurer at the first 6 month renewal.
3. If you cease to be a student, but have not made any other changes to your policy then we will continue this offer with the same insurer, provided that your new occupation remains acceptable.
*Dependent on your university. 23% saving is based on a student studying at specified universities such as Durham University. Offer only available direct from Endsleigh.


Car insurance for young drivers

Car insurance for young drivers is notoriously expensive – find out why and what you can do to lessen the blow
Our latest data shows that average premiums for young male drivers aged 17 to 18 are almost than £2,200, while young women in the same age bracket face average bills of close to £2,000 – a 50% rise since the EU Gender Directive came into force on 21 December 2012.
And with insurers no longer able to take gender into account when calculating car insurance premiums, the cost is only heading in one direction during 2013.

Why is young persons car insurance so expensive?

The main reason premiums for young drivers are so expensive is down to risk – statistics show that young drivers are far more likely to be involved in accidents than drivers over the age of 25, with insurance premiums calculated to reflect the stats.
AA research shows that one in eight British drivers is aged 25 and under, with a quarter of all drivers involved in serious traffic collisions within this age group.
As well as being more likely to have an accident, young drivers often have to pay more for their car insurance because they haven’t had the chance to build up a no claims bonus over time.

Getting the cheapest car insurance for young drivers

There are a number of things you can do if you’re struggling with the high cost of car insurance for young drivers.
One factor likely to have a big effect on the price of car insurance for new drivers is the type of car itself, with speed, security features, and value all playing a big part – read our guide to the cheapest cars to insure to find out which cars attract the cheapest insurance premiums.
It also pays to think carefully about the level of cover you need, as well as whether or not to pay a higher voluntary excess – read our 9 top tips to cutting car insurance for young drivers to find out more.


Cheap car insurance for young drivers

Stereos blaring and with confidence to boot, young drivers can face a red light against getting affordable car insurance.

Why are young drivers more difficult to insure?

*One in every five young drivers suffers a crash within their first year of driving, and are 10 times more likely to be involved in a serious collision than experienced drivers.

Why do young drivers claim more?

Sometimes, overconfidence and inexperience are factors for young drivers to have accidents and claim on their car insurance. What's more, stylish hot hatches and expensive car stereos mean that young drivers can be vulnerable to theft of and from their vehicles, not to mention vandalism.

How can young drivers reduce their car insurance premiums?

Choose a car in a low insurance group
Young drivers don't have to drive the same car as Lewis Hamilton to look cool and have street cred. Nor do they have to drive like him! Buying a car in a lower insurance group can help young people drive down their insurance premiums. All cars in the UK are given an insurance group rating.
Make the car safe and secure
You've heard the motto, 'lock it, don't lose it!' Young drivers can lower their premiums by increasing their car security such as keeping the vehicle in a locked garage overnight or off the street and adding extra security devices.
Improve your driving skills through a PassPlus course
Through experience comes wisdom. Young drivers can reduce their car insurance premiums by going on an advanced driving course such as the PassPlus. Some insurers offer discounts on car insurance to newly-qualified or young drivers who have completed the course.
Keep the car standard
Spoilers, alloy wheels and other modifications may look the part, but they don't play their part in getting cheap car insurance for young drivers.
Earn a no-claims discount
Safe motoring doesn't have to mean Sunday driving! A young driver who follows the rules of the road is in pole position to benefit from cheaper car insurance by earning a no claims discount or bonus. It's a simple equation: safer driving equals cheaper car insurance for young drivers.
Search for car insurance with comparison sites
Searching the market enables young drivers to vet policies by price and features. But, just like buying a new or used car, it's best to shop around for the right policy, which might not just be on price - but features too.


Cheap Car Insurance for Young Drivers in the UK*

Quinn-direct specialise in offering great rates for young drivers car insurance whilst also providing great benefits with all our policies. If you are looking for cheap car insurance for young drivers* without compromising on the quality of cover, click on ‘Get a Quote Now’ to get a competitive price. For young people car insurance can be costly, which is why we offer great value car insurance to suit the needs of those seeking cheap car insurance for young drivers*.

Why choose Quinn-direct for your car insurance?

  • Learner Drivers earn their own No Claims Discount

    Start earning a no claims bonus in your own name by getting your own insurance policy with Quinn-direct. New drivers can build up their valuable no claims discount even before passing their driving test.
  • FREE 24 Hour Breakdown Cover Including Home-start

    Quinn-direct breakdown cover provides all customers with 24hr roadside assistance, which includes; home-start, local vehicle recovery and journey completion.
  • Direct Debit Instalments - Monthly Payment Plan

    Quinn-direct allows you to spread the cost of your car insurance using our easy monthly payment plan, making your young driver motor insurance even more affordable.
  • Audio Cover

    We will cover your car radio for up to £500 or 5% of the vehicle value.
  • Loss of keys cover

    Whether your keys are lost or stolen, we will cover the cost of replacing both the keys AND the locks, up to £300.
...and much more »

Optional Benefits

With optional extra benefits available, you can customize your cover to ensure you get the right level of cover for you, without paying for the extras you don’t need.
  • Optional Legal cover

    Quinn-direct offer optional legal cover which provides up to £50,000 for legal costs to recover uninsured losses. Legal cover also provides a 24 hour legal helpline which gives free confidential advice for any personal legal problem (under EU law).
  • Optional windscreen cover

    Get the cover you need for those unavoidable windscreen damages, giving you peace of mind with Quinn-direct windscreen cover. Best of all your no claims bonus won't be affected.
So to take the pain out of searching for the best young driver insurance quote with quality cover, simply click on ‘Get a Quote Now’ to see how much you could save with Quinn-direct.

Young Drivers' Car Insurance

Passing a driving test and getting a first car are big milestones in a young driver’s life as they signal the arrival of a new kind of independence. But sky high insurance premiums can be a major obstacle when it comes to actually getting on the road.
At we know that finding cheap car insurance for young drivers can be a struggle, as young motorists have been experiencing significant increases in insurance premiums.
With the price of car insurance steadily rising, the financial strain placed upon young drivers to get insurance for their vehicles is becoming more of a burden than it has been in past years. Young drivers' car insurance – especially young men’s car insurance - is usually considerably more expensive than insurance for other driver groups and the reasons for this are explained below.

Why is Young Driver Car Insurance So Expensive?

As with all car insurance, in order to calculate premiums insurance providers need to evaluate the likelihood that a driver will make a claim. The greater the risk, the higher the premium. Younger drivers generally present a bigger risk to insurance providers as, statistically, they are more likely to be involved in accidents. Consider this statistical information from the Driving Standards Agency:
  • One in five drivers has an accident within their first year of driving
  • Male drivers under the age of 21 are ten times more likely to be involved in a car accident than male drivers who are over 35 years old
  • One in three male drivers aged 17 to 20 have an accident within the first two years of passing their test
  • An 18 year old driver is more than three times as likely to be involved in a crash as a 48 year old
All of this has an implication on the cost of car insurance for young drivers. Put simply, insurance providers pay out more on policies that are held by younger drivers and, therefore, they charge this group of drivers more for their car insurance.
However, is here to help. We have a large list of insurers on our panel, many of which specialise in young drivers' car insurance.

What Can Be Done To Make Young Drivers' Insurance Cheaper?

For many young drivers a great way of getting cheaper car insurance is to consider telematics-based insurance. Telematics insurance (sometimes known as “black box insurance” or “pay as you drive insurance”) requires a small device that is about the size of a mobile phone to be installed behind a cars dashboard. This will record a range of driving information such as what time of day the vehicle is driven, how fast it is driven, how quickly the driver accelerates and decelerates and the distance driven. Premiums are often set based on risk factors that include specific criteria, such as not driving at night or limited mileage and when it comes to renewal, premiums may be adjusted depending on the safety of the policyholder's driving.
One of the most important factors for the price of car insurance for all motorists, not just young drivers, is the type of insurance cover chosen. Many young drivers opt for one of the lowest levels of cover, Third Party, Fire & Theft, often assuming that this will be the cheapest.
Third Party Fire & Theft provides cover for fire and theft claims but only covers damage to third party vehicles and property and does not cover any damage to the owner's vehicle in the event of an accident. Fully Comprehensive insurance, on the other hand, protects the owner's car and property as well as that of the third party.
However it may be useful to know that Third Party, Fire & Theft cover is not always cheaper than Fully Comprehensive cover and it is always worth comparing the prices of each - look at all insurance policy types available before making a decision.
There are many things young drivers can do to make their insurance cheaper. A few of them are listed here. More ways to save can be found in our Young Drivers Insurance Guide:
  • Add an older driver to the policy. If you own the car you must be the principal driver on the insurance policy but putting older siblings, parents or grandparents on the policy as a second driver could help to obtain cheap car insurance for young drivers. Do not be tempted, however, to name an older driver as the main driver if this is not the case. This is an illegal activity known as “fronting”.
  • Start off with a smaller car. Having a small car will make it easier to find cheap car insurance for young drivers. Not surprisingly, insurers are not keen on young or inexperienced motorists driving cars with large, powerful engines.
  • Avoid modifying the car or buying a car with modifications. Even something as small as buying a new stereo can count as a modification and insurers will often charge higher premiums for modified cars.
  • Fit extra security devices. Approved immobilisers and trackers added to cars can help young drivers to reduce the cost of car insurance.
  • Post-test qualifications. Consider the post-test driving course known as Pass Plus. Taking this can sometimes help bring down the cost of car insurance.
  • Shop around! Car insurance pricing for young drivers varies from insurer to insurer. provides drivers with a great way of doing this via our easy to use price comparison site, providing access to over 90 insurance brands.
We hope that with our advice, young drivers will be better placed to find the right level of car insurance at an affordable price. To get a young driver car insurance quote, simply click the "Get A Quote Today" button below.


If you're a young driver looking to insure your first car, you probably already know that you face some of the highest car insurance premiums around.
Just a look at road accident figures for young drivers can explain why insurance premiums are so high.
What you may not know is that there are a few things you could do to bring down the cost of car insurance in your first years on the road.

1. Five facts about accidents involving young drivers*

  1. one in five drivers has an accident in the first year of driving
  2. 26 per cent of road accidents involve at least one young car driver aged 17 to 24
  3. 79 teenage drivers were killed on the roads in 2009, another 770 were seriously injured and 9,500 slightly injured
  4. a higher proportion of young driver accidents occur on Friday and Saturday nights
  5. 57% of reported accidents involving young car drivers occur in urban areas
Being aware of the risks that come with being an inexperienced driver can help you to think about how you can drive safely and avoid incidents which may involve an insurance claim.
* Sources
AA Public Affairs report: Young drivers
DfT Road Accident Statistics Factsheet No. 6, 2009: Reported road accidents involving young car drivers

2. Telematic car insurance

This new 'pay how you drive' insurance rewards safe driving. A small telematic 'black box' GPS device is fitted in your car to record how the car is driven. Factors like speed and cornering are measured to give you a score which may lead to a reduced premium if you drive safely.
The advantage of telematic insurance for responsible young drivers is that you pay a premium that's based on your driving record, rather than the record of all young drivers.
If you're interested in 'pay how you drive' insurance, then you could save money with AA Drivesafe telematic insurance.

3. Earn a no-claims discount

If you drive safely – by following the Highway Code and staying within the speed limit – you will reduce your chances of being involved in an accident. By avoiding accidents you will improve your chances of earning that all important no-claims discount when you come to renew your car insurance.

4. Choose a car in a low insurance group

In the UK every new car is assigned to a car insurance group. Rated from 1 to 50, each insurance group is based on how much the car is likely to cost insurers per claim. Cars in Group 1 represent the lowest cost for insurers, so the lower the insurance group a car is in, the lower your insurance premium is likely to be.
As a young driver it makes sense to look for a car in a low insurance group if you want to pay a lower premium. You can search the ABI database to find the insurance group for a car your interested in, or to find cars in a particular insurance group.

5. Car security

Thinking about the security of your car could help you reduce your premium. Things to consider:
Where your car is kept overnight
If you can, the ideal place to keep your car is in a locked garage. If this isn't an option, your car is best kept off the street.
Security devices
It may be worth considering additional security devices for your car. Your insurer can advise on approved security devices. Devices which may attract lower premiums include:
  • alarm/immobiliser systems
  • high security door and ignition locks
  • mechanical immobilisers
  • glass etching – etching the registration number to vehicle glass
  • a visible VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) which can be seen through the windscreen acting as a further deterrent to thieves
Remove valuables from you car
Take the stereo, sat nav and valuables with you when you lock your car.

6. Don't modify your car

Fins, spoilers and other extras may look good, but if you modify your car it's likely to mean a higher car insurance bill.

7. Compare like with like when buying car insurance

When you're searching for a policy, make sure you compare like with like. Two car insurance policies with the same price may not offer the same level of benefits, so it's always worth checking to see whether the policy covers everything you need.
If you think you've found a bargain, always look closely at the detail, particularly at any compulsory excesses which you would have to pay when making a claim. What looks like cheap car insurance could actually be expensive if the excess is more than you can afford to pay.


Welcome here you will be able to get Young Driver Insurance

If you're looking for young driver insurance you've come to the right place,we specialise in drivers over 19 wth one years no claims bonus. Of course we also offer excellent rates for under 19's so why not get a quote now to see how much you could save this year?
Not only do we offer some of the best prices on car insurance for young drivers, but we really understand the market. We are keen to do your business. Put us to the test. Our agents are industry recognised professionals who know how to get you the best price possible.
Our call centres are open 7 days a week which means if you've found your perfect car on a sunday afternoon you can get a quote and take out instant cover. Please give us a call to see how much you could save this year. We are industry specialists in Young Driver Insurance and regularly advertise in Max Power, Fast Ford, Total Vauxhall etc, we know what we're talking about. We specialise in drivers 19+ having at least 1 years no claims bonus and provide cheap car insurance for new drivers.
Over the next few months you will see a lot of new additions to the site including a newsletter, forum and many more. All you'll need to do is sign up for our newsletter when it's online and you will receive a code giving you a percentage off your young drivers car insurance. What will it cost you? Nothing, all we ask is you sign up for our newsletter.
New Items Added - Young Driver Car Insurance Articles, First Time Driver Car Insurance, Teenage Car Insurance and Learner Driver Car Insurance
We also work closely with a number of other companies to offer insurance for specialised groups such as womens car insurance.



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